King's Mead sports photos

Click here for team photos
pre 1951

Click here for team photos
post 1950

Programme for Sports Day 1932

Programme for Sports Day 1937

Fathers' Day 1963 scorecard

Sir Jack Hobbs at KM

                                      Programme for Sports Day 1951                          Programme for Sports Day 1953                                               

Programme for Sports Day 1940

(Click on any of the above images to enlarge)

Photos from 1927 and 1930 Sports Days

Victor Ludorum
Boxing Cup

Sports cup winners

Swimming Cup
Gym Cup
Shooting (The Preston Cup)

Tennis Cup
Junior Tennis Cup

Sports colours and trophies


Rugby colours

Football colours

Cricket colours

Football colours

Boxing colours


Boxing Cup medal won by John Leigh in 1960 (actual size 1.5 x 1.4 inches)

Boxing medals won by Peter Ingram
Peter Ingram's boxing medals - won in 1962 and 1963

Peter Kerruish's shooting medals won in 1960 and 1961

1963 Senior swimming medal
won by David Maxwell

1936: First Class Shooting Certificate (courtesy of His Honour Marcus Anwyl-Davies QC)

Winning Plumer Cup entry, December 1962, on post-1950 sports page (courtesy of Earl Howe)

Silver teaspoon (engraved with "King's Mead Seaford" and the school crest), won by John Hissey in 1938 for swimming (click here for larger photos)

Please do send any photos to Peter Kerruish. They will be put up on the web site and returned - see Contact Details


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