KM Miscellania

Photos of the school and grounds

Photos of views inside the school

Other memorabilia

The swimming pool 1966
The swimming pool 2002

The staff
Obituary to Gunner, Claude Selwyn's dog

Miss Brewer's basket

Garden chairs donated by leavers and others

Films seen whilst at King's Mead: 1950/1960s

School Clothes List 1959

Letter from Jane Barrett to mothers of new boys

Cartoon of EPGB & MPR

Visit from the Southdown Hunt (1955/56)

Dr David Maxwell - Photographs

Old Boy Luncheon with Maxine Maxwell

KM inoculation record

Geoffrey Pollitt (to KM in 1926) reclaiming his chapel chair
His brother, George (to KM in 1924), ready for cricket, 1925

Farewell to King's Mead - the Seaford Slug

1960 School report

Girls at King's Mead !!

The Litlington White Horse

1923 Patrol Leaders
1931 Patrol Leaders
1937 Patrol Leaders

School Lists & Calendars
(1934 and assorted 1959-68)

Press cuttings

Ronnie Mutebi, Kabaka of Buganda (1969)

Royal visit by King Bhumibol of Thailand (1966)

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