A school report from the 1930s

(anonymised in the name of modesty)


To a keen literary sense, still somewhat in the chrysalis stage, he adds zest, thought and keen scrutiny over possible errors in accidence and syntax. Consequently it is not surprising that the standard of his work is very high. Now that a ll his groundwork is so good he would go forward at a faster pace without risk of confusion or dismay. I should like him to read ancient history. By so doing he will learn to check his judgements and will, moreover, find his imagination enhanced. To sum u p, I should add that he always worked to the top of his bent with great good sense and good will. I wish him every success at ....

G Slingsby Bethel



He and I have agreed readily that this is not one of his strong subjects. Dr Norwood once said th at for some boys it would have been better if Algebra had never been invented. Although this may seem heresy, I am inclined to agree. We have both struggled again and again with the equation and the problem. The knack, which begins in thought and analysis and ends by becoming mechanical will not develop itself. I see that I have noted in the past "work badly staged. An unhappy tendency to forget practice and precept". To a certain extent this is still true. In Geometry, on the other hand, he is far sounder and keenly interested. He has an alert, sensible mind and will in due time learn all the mathematics that he needs to know, but there should be no disappointment if he does not reveal shining ability. Certainly, he will always have tried to the peak of hi s powers.

G Slingsby Bethel



This has been far and away the best term's work that he has ever done. I am delighted with his progress; most noticeable has been his improvement in syntax, at last he has learnt to apply successfully old and familiar ru les. His whole work has been characterised by a care and polish which up to now had eluded him Learning work has remained as good as always, and the responsibility, which he has assumed so well out of school, has influenced all his work in school. He coul d not have left behind a better impression. I wish him every success.

M Wheeler



It will be some time ere we meet such a quick imagination and such a facile pen. He has given of his best the whole term and we are sorry to lose him. In congratulating him on his highly successful entry into .... we add our best wishes for the future.

Illegible (!)



The best Troop Leader I have ever had.

D Shilcock


see also A school report from the 1960s


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