King's Mead School 1934-40

Douglas Shilcock (The Boss)

Mark Wheeler (French master) and ??

Hugh Lee (1927) and Sandy Sowerby (1926)

Mark Wheeler and Marcus Anwyl-Davies

James Weir and Marcus Anwyl-Davies

Lucius Lueceius (Marcus Anwyl-Davies) in "The Tragedy of Pompey the Great"

Manners, Bob Armitage, Scarisbrick (1935)

Peter Bickersteth (1938)

Fancy Dress at Moreton House c. 1940
Crusader (Alec Weir) & Foreign Legionnaure (WDA Bagnell)

John Hissey on his way to his first term at King's Mead (1938) with his Gladstone bag which caused much amusement when he arrived
(The current version, having just won the Maxwell Cup, 2002)

Photos courtesy of Bob Armitage, His Honour Marcus Anwyl-Davies QC, Brigadier AG Heywood and John Hissey

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